Entity & Essence: New Website Design

Entity & Essence: New Website Design A Celebrants website is a vital marketing platform that promotes their business 24 hours a day, it needs to be designed with emotion and reflect the celebrants’ nature. Charlotte built my website around an existing image...

Weddings in Devon you ask?

Weddings in Devon you ask? When you work with a group of amazing people to create a beautiful shoot in a fabulous location this is how it turns out! Also please be aware I am only a second shooter first in command was the amazing Sarah Hall. Having been on the other...

Portraits in the Spring Sun

Portraits in the Spring Sun How nice is it to see the sun? The first chance I am out with the camera in hand. Let’s hope it stays. Meet Becci, my perfect model in a field of yellow. I had asked Becci if she wouldn’t mind coming to find some Bluebells and...

Building Sustainable Websites

Building Sustainable Websites Have you ever considered how a website can have an impact on the environment? I had not thought about this until I attended Brighton SEO and listened to a very insightful talk by Fiona Brennan. Why should we care when we are small...